
14 Jul
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Avete installato moduli Panasonic a partire dal 1 Gennaio 2017? Richiedete la garanzia di 25 anni! Per ottenere la garanzia di 25 anni, è indispensabile REGISTRARE i moduli entro 3 mesi dalla data di acquisto, seguendo il tutorial che trovate qui...
15 Jun
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Nuove funzionalità PIKO MP Plus Il Kostal Piko MP Plus potrà operare in tre diverse modalità: Inverter tradizionale Inverter ibrido Sistema di storage in lato alternata, quindi in retrofit su impianti esistenti A partire dalla fine del mese di...
12 May
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Panasonic HIT® PC Modules Long-term quality and high yield Panasonic - one of the world's most trusted brands - is a solar pioneer with 45 years of experience in photovoltaics. Committed to a better life and a better world, Panasonic offers...
Cosa sono i MODULI SHINGLED Hyundai
08 May
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The Shingled Hyundai module is a high efficient cells package technology. It uses a specific pattern of cells and cut the cell along the main grid into 5 or 6 pieces (our company is 5 pieces) by laser scribing. The small pieces of cells are...
24 Mar
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!!! Attention !!! Due to the current health situation and the new restrictive measures determined by the new Prime Ministerial Decree 22/03/20, transport is adjustingand and taking new measures are being taken to safeguard the health of its...