
Aiko panels certified for hail
08 Jul
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More Security: Choose Aiko Hail-Certified Photovoltaic Panels Aiko 40 mm Hail-Resistant Mono Glass Panels for 54Mb and 54Mw are designed for residential use and are the ideal solution in case of hail. All modules in the Aiko series have received...
National Logistics and Transport Sector Strike on June 25 2024
25 Jun
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National Logistics and Transport Sector Strike on June 25 2024 Coenergia announces that due to the logistics and transport sector strike on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, deliveries may experience delays, and disruptions could continue in the following...
Happy Easter from Coenergia
28 Mar
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Happy Easter from Coenergia Coenergia reminds you that due to the blockade of the movement of heavy vehicles from 2.00 pm on Friday 29 March until Tuesday 2 April, deliveries could be delayed and the inconveniences could continue into the...
SMA Sunny Boy Storage
04 Dec
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SUNNY BOY STORAGE 3.7, 5.0 e 6.0 kWh L'inverter SMA per batterie, progettato per l'impiego nei contesti residenziali, rappresenta la soluzione ideale per ottimizzare le prestazioni energetiche delle abitazioni Accumulo di energia solare Ideale...
Buone feste Natalizie da Coenergia
04 Dec
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Coenergia Schedules December 2023 - January 2024 I hereby inform you that Coenergia will be closed for the winter break from 23 December 2023 to 7 January 2024 inclusive. Normal activities will resume on Monday 8 January 2024. Shipping and...