12 Jul
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Jul 12, 2011
On July 11, 2011 have been published on the GSE  website, new guidelines clarifying the 4th energy bill.


In particular, it is to underline the clarification on the matter of the modules / inverter of European origin. From page 30 to page 34 of the Rules of Application (attached) you will find the clarifications which can be summarized as follows:
Surcharge for use of components manufactured in the European Union to be considered solely for "the purchase cost of the materials composing the photovoltaic system" that is not less than 60% due to a production withindell’Unione Europea. I componenti di costo sono:
1) Photovoltaic Modules;
2)Inverter and data acquisition systems;
3) Electrical components, transformers, support structures.

Photovoltaic Modules
To ensure that the cost item to the PV modules can be subsumed under a EU production must be verified AT LEAST ONE OF THE 2 FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
1) Within the production site located in the EU country (wikipedia link 'Unione_europea) must be made at least the following processes:

a.Crystalline silicon modules (mono / poly)

i.    Lacing Cells
ii.   Assembly / Lamination
iii.  Electrical Test

b.   Thin film

i.   Deposition process
ii.  Assembly / Lamination
iii. Electrical Test

Or, other conditions which must be satisfied to get the bonus 

2) The same cost item can be traced back to a EU production for crystalline silicon modules outside the EU (production outside the European Union) when these modules contain at least one component produced in the EU (component as: silicon, wafers or cells).

To verify that one of the two conditions will be necessary the production by the manufacturer of a factory inspection certificate (Factory Inspection) issued by third party notified and belonging IECEE. These certificates shall contain at least the following information:

a. Indication of EU production site through identification code to move back label on the certification form together with Logo

b.Indication of the rule sequentially to locate the production site by serial number. In the case in which the same producer uses different production lines, the same shall be identified with the production of modules with serial numbers different depending on the production line. This will allow to unambiguously identify which modules from the same vendor, having 2 or more lines of production, are produced in the EU (EU or cells) and which are produced outside the EU.

c.Indications of the phases of the production process carried out within the site itself.

For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Paragraph 2) (manufacture modules in sites outside the EU with EU cells) the Factory Inspection should cover both the assembly site forms (non-EU) and the site of production components (cells), the certificate must show that the modules were made using components (silicon, wafers or cells) from EU countries.


The inverters, in order to be considered manufactured in EU, they must have had within the production site EUROPEAN all the processes below:

Measurements / Testing
In any case the cost of the inverter, in order to increase recognition, may not exceed 25% of the investment cost.
Even for inverters you will require the certificate of Factory Inspection.

Electrical components, support structures, civil works

For all of these components (cables, switches, panels, transformers, support structures) will be necessary appropriate documentation (Factory Inspection), to prove the EU origin of the material used.
In any case, for the purposes of premium recognition, the value of the electrical components, structures and civil works may not exceed 20% of the total value of the cost components.

Procedure for award recognition

For the purposes of premium obtaining, the entity responsible of the system, shall forward to the GSE by telematic information about the cost of all components through a special mask on site GSE.

For the items related to cost components (modules, inverters, electrical and support structures), the following documentation must be provided, by dividing the cost of each component with indication of provenance of the same:
1. Purchase invoice details;
2.Certificate of Factory Inspection to demonstrate the origin of the components.

This stage is called "transient" will be redefined by the GSE with subsequent documentation as from 1 July 2012.

Coenergia S.r.l.