25 Sep
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Sep 25, 2012
Mini convention Calyxo:
"Reflections on the future of the Italian photovoltaic sector, the interrelationships with the renewable heat \ power and concentrating solar thermal renewables in the energy bill of the \ electric"
4 Ottobre 2012
Via Provinciale, 1 - Cortefranca (BS)

Given the legal uncertainty and general awareness of the need for the production of electricity from solar energy beyond the hesitation of governments Solux-Energie \ Calyxo, Sevengreenenergy, Drills Energy have decided to organize a mini conference impromptu reflection on future (Italian) in this area, the interrelationship with the renewable heat \ electrical (biomass cogeneration, trigeneration) with emphasis on the role of concentrating solar thermal renewables in the energy bill of the \ electric.

The conference will close with a brief parenthesis on the final conditioning powered by radiant heat pumps.

The mini-conference will be divided into 2 identical sessions:
h in the morning 9 \ 12 h repeated in the afternoon 14 \ 17

The interventions will take place in chronological order:
1) Sevengeenenergy ( min. 60 ):
deepening V CTO EN
Grid-Parity: Modelli economici
  • PV modules and inverters in support of these models

2) Solux srl :
“Beyond the Grid-Parity "Structures fixing innovative and certified under certifying that really replace the roof

3) Trivelli Energia ( min. 20 ):
Trigeneration \ concentration in the energy bill Renewable Heat \ Electrical

4) Dr Vidali ( min. 20 ):
"Air radiant in the service of renewable energy"

The two sessions will be interspersed by a brief moment of rest with the possibility of contacting the speakers.

It is essential to confirm the presence: oppure

For further information contact 030 2033423 or the 333 8517373