02 Aug
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Overshoot Day: Exhausted the resources 2017 of the Earth

Aug 02, 2017
Today, August 2, 2017, the world population has cut a new goal: nothing to see though with gold medals and medals of those sports competitions that fill us with pride.
Today is the day we have exhausted the resources available that Earth can generate every year.
Despite the Paris agreement, despite the awareness campaigns and the daily commitment to try to change things, every year we anticipate the date of the Overshoot Day.
The calculation is done by the Global Footprint Network, the organization that measures available resources: in 2016 it was August 8, 2015, 14 August and 2014 August 19.

What does Overshoot Day mean?

It means that we have cut forests, consumed fish and food resources faster than Earth is able to regenerate. We also emitted CO2 in the atmosphere far higher than the tolerable ones.
If you manage the budget of ecological resources as you manage a company or family, we would immediately see the gravity of the situation: it would mean that we do not have the resources to live from today until the end of the year.
However we are still in time, the situation is reversible!
If we could reduce the carbon emissions of the middle, we could postpone the Overshoot Day for 3 months!

What is the main problem?

"The main problem is that, despite the obvious environmental deficit, we are not taking measures to get the right direction. The problem is also psychological, which is obvious for 98 percent of children is considered a lesser risk that does not deserve the Our attention from economic planners" explains Mathis Wackernagel, president of Gnf.

What can we do?

  1. First of all, it is imperative to become aware of the problem
  2. Only use the resources we really need, whether they are food or energy
  3. Take advantage of as many renewable resources as possible: from photovoltaic to solar solutions, today to have self-sustaining energy-efficient homes is a reality !!!
Take Care of Our Planet! #lovetheearth