CSolutions S.r.l - Sant’Angelo in vado (PU)
18 Jun
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CSolutions S.r.l - Sant'Angelo in vado (PU)

Installation by the company CSolutions srl in Sant'Angelo in Vado (PU). The plant was built using QCells model QPEAK255 BLACK associated with POWER ONE inverter and a GSE regime with metering, with which can take advantage of tax deduction of 50% .The annual production of recorded energy is 3,900 kWh an internal rate of return (IRR) of 15.13%. The great location (due to 25 ° in'iclinazione) allows you to hide the coplanarity of photovoltaics, making it appear almost architectural integration. All materials were purchased from the company Coenergia srl in Bondeno of Gonzaga (MN).