
12 Feb
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Technical webinar ELCO 12.02.2021 Friday 12 FebruaryTechnical webinar with ELCO 16:30/17:30 Take part in the free webinar that Coenergia, together with ELCO, will hold on Friday 12 February from 16:30 to 17:30 (only in Italian). The course is...
Formazione SolarEdge
29 Oct
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Enter the EDGE Academy and become a SolarEdge expert EDGE is the English acronym for Educate, Develop, Grow and Energize (Training, Development, Growth and Energy). EDGE Academy is currently offering the free SolarEdge basic training course. The...
WEBINAR BOSCH 3Luglio 2020
03 Jul
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Coenergia, con la collaborazione di Bosch, ha organizzato webinar gratuito per tenervi aggiornati sulle Pompe di Calore BOSCH! Venerdì 3 Luglio dalle ore 10:00 alle 11:00 Programma: Azienda Bosch Brevi Accenni Teorici Sul Funzionamentodi Una...